Historical CD Rates – With CD rates at all time lows – what options do you have?
CD rate Chart

If we can help you protect your retirement savings without buying an annuity – would you be interested?
The concept is being invested in a diverse portfolio that fits your risk profile. To that we add our special portfolio monitoring system.
If your portfolio drops in value, crossing one of the thresholds – we pickup the phone and call you.
When you have been told something like, “you have to ride this out…” or “You’re in this for the long-haul.” How did that feel? Were you happy with the person making that comment?
How would it feel if we were to call you and say something like, “the value of the account has dropped. We are looking at what the next step is… ”
A new way of managing your life savings.
Let’s talk and see if this is a fit for you, or not.