Complementary or Free Beneficiary Review

We offer a complementary beneficiary review. It may shock you to hear that 80% of beneficiary forms on individual retirement accounts, defined benefit plans and insurance policies are either blank, outdated or not properly filled in.*

Ed Slott:

I’m a member of Ed Slott’s Master Elite IRA Adviser group – simply stated: I know a great deal about IRA’s and other types of retirement accounts.

Who needs a review

Who would want or need their beneficiary statement reviewed?

People with IRAs, 401(k)s, annuity account(s), life insurance and for sure people who have living revocable trusts need a review.  Also, a Free beneficiary review is hard to argue with.

We professionals hear repeatedly to review people’s beneficiary forms.  The problem is people hear that they should look at or ask the company what they have on file.  You don’t realize that I see the issues you can’t see when we provide our free beneficiary review.  There are hidden issues in almost every beneficiary form.

Frankly, I’ve not seen one single beneficiary form setup the way the owner *thought* it was setup.

Our offer is simple, we will review one retirement account for you – free of charge.  We usually charge $175-500 per account (or custodian) to perform this review.  We are so convinced that you’ll be impressed  – if we can’t find an issue or point something out that you were not aware of – we’ll give you a $25 gift card of you at the merchant of your choice!**.

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*Investment News, September 18, 2008

** Some minor restrictions apply.

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