Let me state you are here because you are considering a 401k rollover options.
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Before we get into your 401k rollover options; you need to consider why you might leave your 401k where it is and not do a 401k rollover.
Reasons not to exercise your 401k rollover options
Creditor protection
The money in your 401k is protected from creditors. Do you have people who may want to pursue your money, that is retirement accounts, to pay off your debts?
Your heirs can convert the 401k rollover to a Roth IRA
This is a little known option. You heirs, if they have the resources, can rollover the inherited 401k to a Roth IRA.
Reasons to exercise your 401k rollover options
A variety of options for the IRA your 401k rollover is moved to
The IRA has such great versatility. You can create what is called a Self-directed IRA. A self-directed IRA can be used to purchase non-traditional assets. Items such as investment properties or even invest in businesses, non-publicly traded businesses.
Additionally, with an IRA you can invest it via any traditional brokerage accounts. If you wish to actively manage your investments this can be a great option. As you may have experienced, most 401k plans don’t allow the account owner to invest in any equity. These 401k plans have very limited options.
The 401k bankruptcy protection follows the money into an IRA
This is something you likely don’t know about. You 401k money is protected by something called ERISA. If you keep accurate records and keep the money from you 401k separate from other IRA dollars it has the added benefit of being protected from bankruptcy.
In summary
This is just a few items to consider. When you research your 401k rollover options it is likely you won’t find many people telling you to consider leaving the 401k where it is. We will be straight with you. We will use our checklists to see what is your best option.
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