GAO September 2014 Report – Richard Loek

The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) released a report on September 14, 2014 regarding retirement accounts.  The report found that 99% of people with retirement accounts have less than $1 million dollars.  Mr. Loek found this to be interesting and correlates with many of the people he works with.  The stark reality is that most people are embarrassed about what they have.  The taboo conversations regarding money in our society don’t support people’s true needs.

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Higher level of training Ed Slott Retirement Rescue 2014

Mr Loek invests every year  in his training.  Likely this annual investment is more than most people’s entire investment in their education.  With that said here is some information about a recent training Mr. Loek attended.

Here is a sample of information we learn and exchange – read more here

Much is learned by spending several days working though workbooks and by interacting with other specialists.  There is something to be said for investing in my training.  This investment demonstrates my commitment to my clients.

ed slott retirement rescue 2014 - Proud member of Ed Slott's Master Elite IRA Advisor GroupWhen working with any professional, do you want the generalist or the specialist?  You can find the specialist in your area at

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We are unique in that we can work with people from pretty much anywhere in the country.  Give us a call and see if we are a fit for your needs.

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